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- Executive Orders: A History
Executive Orders: A History
Talking to your child about presidential power.
Read Time: 4 min 53 sec | Reading Level: 7th Grade
─────── February 13, 2025 ───────
Happy Thursday!
This week’s Decaf is brought to you by our friends at Axis, whose weekly email Culture Translator breaks down music and media trends so you can actually understand and connect with your teens.
Today’s story was taken from The Pour Over’s January and February emails and re-written at a 7th-grade reading level.
“If you were a hundred times worse than you are, your sins would be no match for his mercy.”
Tim Keller
Oval-Office Orders
President Trump has used his big Sharpie to sign over 60 executive orders since he became President on January 20. So, what are executive orders, and how do they work?
Since George Washington, U.S. presidents have put quill to paper to make sure laws are followed. (This is based on the power given to presidents in Article II of the U.S. Constitution.) These executive orders tell the federal government how to carry out the country’s rules and policies. Executive orders affect agencies like the FBI or the postal service and departments like the State Department or the Department of Justice.
Executive orders have the power of law, but they’re not permanent. They can be changed by Congress, blocked by courts, or undone by the next president.
Franklin D. Roosevelt was the king of executive orders, signing 3,721 over 12 years in office (compare presidents’ order output here). Recently, presidents have made a bunch of orders right after taking over the Oval Office to reverse the actions of the previous president.
A few orders have made a big impact, like the Emancipation Proclamation (1863), FDR’s funding for nuclear bombs (1941), and Eisenhower’s deployment of the National Guard to enforce desegregation of schools (1957).
President Trump’s new orders have covered many different policies, from tariffs to immigration to paper straws. He said his goal is “the complete restoration of America and the revolution of common sense.” For more on the actions of the 47th President, check out this list.
Presidents and policies come and go. Put your hope in the LORD, who has no term limit, and whose plans can’t be undone.
“But the LORD sits enthroned forever; he has established his throne for judgment. And he judges the world with righteousness; he executes judgment on the nations with fairness. The LORD is a refuge for the persecuted, a refuge in times of trouble. Those who know your name trust in you because you have not abandoned those who seek you, LORD.”
Psalm 9:7–10 (CSB) (read full passage)
What do I want to make sure my kids know in light of this story?
Believers’ loyalty belongs to God alone.
Many kings in the Bible made decrees, and it was rarely good news for God’s people. Nebuchadnezzar ordered idol worship in Babylon under threat of the fiery furnace (Daniel 3), Xerxes ordered the extermination of Jewish people in the Persian empire (Esther 3), and Herod ordered the killing of baby boys in and around Bethlehem in Jesus’s day (Matthew 2).
They went to such extremes because they wanted power and for God’s people to be loyal to them. But the kings were looking for a devotion that was already reserved for the LORD, and faithful believers refused to trade sides (Daniel 3:16-17). If kings or presidents or any kind of leader asks you to choose them rather than obedience to God, remember which King has earned your loyalty.
What gospel lesson can be taught through this story?
No matter how desperate the situation created by kings’ decrees, God took care of his people.
He walked with them through flames (Daniel 3:25), handled their enemies (Esther 7), and protected them in foreign countries (Matthew 2). Even when bad things happened, God’s plan to offer salvation to the world through Jesus couldn’t be stopped. And now that deliverance is promised to us.
There will be many presidents in your lifetime making many orders, good and bad. No matter the circumstances of the day, our future with King Jesus is secure.
Discuss: If you could make an executive order for your household, what would it be and why?
Memorize Matthew 4:10, “Worship the Lord your God, and serve only him” (CSB).
Pray “for kings and all those who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good, and it pleases God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:2-4 CSB).
What We’re Subscribing To
Culture Translator by Axis*
Doesn’t it sometimes feel like kids speak a different language?
Just when you thought you were caught up on the trends and slang, they come home from school to spill more tea, show you the dankest TikToks, and let you know you’re sus. (That was as painful to write as it was to read.)
Culture Translator is a weekly email that boils down the latest music and media trends impacting your kid’s world so you can relate to, engage with, and ultimately guide them to Jesus.
It’s a five-minute read, and it’s totally free. Subscribe here to be equipped to cultivate lifelong faith.
One thirsty duck…

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